If You Like Pina Coladas...Design Furniture!
Sergio Ferrero Gil's students in the Introduction to Parametric Design course at the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño (EASD) de Valencia, Spain, have the best homework.
Their assignment is to design a public project inspired by an organic shape, and modeled using Autodesk ReMake and Autodesk 123D. Students Alejandro and Bea created patio lighting from three stacked stones and photogrammetry. To design a sensuous bus stop, students Lorena and Selena modeled a tree branch. Don't believe it? Check out their designs below.
ReMake had the opportunity to chat with Ferrero about his students and their innovative designs in our first bilingual English-Spanish interview:
What projects are you working on with your students?
I am working with my students in the field with the subject "Introduction to Parametric Design" and we use the following tools: Autodesk ReMake and Autodesk 123D Make. The target is to inspire the students in organic shapes available to them such as food, stones, shells, clothing, etc. to obtain after them being scanned in 3D, a work base to create a building, space or furniture in a parametric base. That is to say the nature as a source of inspiration. All of the projects have been uploaded to the course's blog: https://parameterizing.wordpress.com/category/inspiracion-organica/
Estoy trabajando con mis alumnos en el ámbito de la asignatura optativa "Introducción al Diseño Paramétrico" entre otras herramientas, con Autodesk Remake y Autodesk 123D Make. El objetivo es inspirarse en formas orgánicas accesibles al alumnos como alimentos, piedras, conchas, prendas de ropa, etc. para obtener después de escanearlos en 3D, una base de trabajo para realizar un nuevo edificio, espacio, o mueble en base paramétrica. Es decir, la naturaleza como fuente de inspiración. Todos los trabajos se han ido subiendo al blog de la asignatura: https://parameterizing.wordpress.com/category/inspiracion-organica/
How did you learn about ReMake?
In our School of Arts (EASD - Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño) in Valencia we use educational licenses of Autodesk's products. That's the reason why professors have to be updated about all its products and all its new updates.
En nuestro centro, la Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia, somos usuarios de licencias educacionales de productos de Autodesk, por lo que los profesores solemos "estar al día" de todos sus productos y sobre todo, sus novedades.
Sergio Ferrero Gil
Why did you decide to use it with your students?
Basically because of its power and reliability in the creation of its final mesh comparing it to other systems. Its environments are very simple and useful. That is the reason why the students get reliable results pretty quick
Principalmente por su potencia y fiabilidad en la generación de la malla final en comparación a otros softwares. Su entorno es muy sencillo y útil de usar, por lo que el alumno enseguida consigue resultados fiables.
What are the benefits of using this technology?
The benefits of using it are clear, because it lets the students create the mesh of a real object directly as a source of inspiration to create an object or a design.
Los beneficios son claros, pues permite al alumno generar la malla con un objeto real complejo, como primer paso para poder trabajar sobre él, ya sea directamente o como fuente de inspiración para realizar otro objeto o diseño.
Do you think it is important to continue to develop technology in this area, and why?
Yes, I think it is important and necessary. These three-dimensional scanning processes are increasingly linked to those of digital production and manufacturing.
Si, creo que es importante y necesario, cada vez más se vinculan estos procesos de escaneado tridimensional a los de producción y fabricación digital.
What would you like to see from this technology in the future? Would you recommend any improvements?
There is an aspect that I think can simplify the scanning process of objects, and it is to create it directly through a video. Many times, the mesh does not work when some of the pictures are unfocused, or when an insufficient overlap is produced (it occurs on many occasions). If the capture process is created with a video, this type of problem could be avoided and it would erase the production time of wrong meshes.
Existe un aspecto que pienso que puede simplificar el proceso de escaneado de objetos y es el realizarlo directamente a través de un vídeo. Es decir, en muchas ocasiones, la malla falla cuando algunas de las fotografías realizadas están desenfocadas, o se producen con un solape insuficiente (que en muchas ocasiones sucede). Si el proceso de captura se realizara con un vídeo, esto evitaría este tipo de problemas y por tanto anularía tiempos de producción de mallas erróneas.
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